Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do I need to have my house tested? FAQ # 17

Do I need to have my house tested?

A. If you are remodeling and your home was built before 1978, test to prove. In 1960’s and 70’s houses, it is beneficial to test because there’s a low chance of having lead present. The hazard of lead is creating dust through disturbing surfaces by means of cutting through, sanding, or scraping, and similar actions. It is helpful to know the specifics about any past remodeling done on the home. We need to prove that coatings such as paint and varnish do not contain lead. We look to the homeowner for the home’s history.

Please contact us if you have a specific question that is not addressed in this series.

Visit tomorrow’s Blog Post to read another FAQ on Lead-Safe Renovation.

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1 comment:

  1. Someone asked how testing is done. I use Assurance Inspection Service, Dick Horan. He has an XRF machine, a $18,000 handheld equipment that scans the surfaces without any damage. Average price to have this work done is $200 - $500 per job, depending on the amount of area to be done and whether the report is to be a HUD report proving the entire house to be lead-free.
