Degnan Design Builders, Inc. complete a project converting a screened porch into a 3-season sun porch. Ten years and several cats had abused the old screens to the end of their life.
The owners desired a solution that would extend the usability of their room, particularly viewing their extensive flower gardens in the spring and fall. Additionally, they wanted something that will protect the screens from their cats claws.
After we evaluated the benefits of a screened porch or a 4-
season room, we re-concluded that the 3-season porch was ap
Anthony Caracci of Degnan Design Builders, Inc. installed the
windows, exterior cladding, and interior cedar trim. The exterior is clad in low-maintenance aluminum, while the cedar trim continues across the top of the windows. On the interior, cedar trims all sides and mullions of the windows.
The windows can be stacked open at the bottom, middle or top.
This is the perfect solution for these clients, who will stack the windows in to the bottom to open them while protecting the screens from the cats.
The clients are thrilled with the results, and should thoroughtly enjoy the April and May weather, protected from the cool spring breezes and collecting the warm sun into this new comortable sun porch.
Below: "Before" photo of the deteriorated screened porch.

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